CyT Connect is a virtual platform that facilitates the contact between businesses, institutions, universities and researchers.
In CyT Connect researchers and research
institutes share their innovations and develop capacities. Companies and
institutions searching for specific solutions post their technological
requirements. Researchers and companies interested in the publications of other
users get in contact through the platform.
The platform works internationally and the ads are anonymous and free. Costs are generated only when contact is established (fixed fee).
In CyT Connect you can find:
- innovative products,
high technology services and know how;
- specific capabilities
for new developments;
- patents or start-ups
- investors
Technological offerings cover all areas of knowledge.
Industrial maintenance
Virtual Platform for Technology transfer
CyT Connect is a virtual platform which enables the commercialization of products, innovative technology, know how, patents, finding experts, counterparts and/or potential investors to develop a venture company or entrepreneurship.
Our goal is to facilitate the contact and create synergies between businesses, institutions, universities and research and services centres regionally and internationally.