Descripción Somos una agencia digital especializada en la creación de contenido de alto impacto y con resultado viral para lograr que las marcas dejen huella, transmitan su autoridad y siembren su calidad en sus públicos objetivos.
We are a digital agency that specialized in the creation of high impact content with viral results to make your brand leave its mark, transmit its authority and sow its quality in its target audiences.
What do we do?
- Strategic brand
- Effective digital
marketing consulting
- Viral campaigns
- Audiovisual
production 2d and 3d
- Government marketing
- Design and
production of inspirational articles for personal and business growth
Tipo de Compañía /Organización
Micro y Pequeña Empresa
Email director@flip.com.co
CiudadFloridablanca, calle 31 A # 26 -15 of 608 Google map
centro de la actividad
Mecánica Avanzada / Industria 4.0
Animation & Digital production 2d/3d
Strategic brand development
- Effective digital marketing consulting
- Viral campaigns
- Audiovisual production 2d and 3d
- Government marketing
- Design and production of inspirational articles for personal and business growth