
Antonio Bova

i-tenere srls
Descripción We are an innovative startup that want to make projects in green building sector. Now we have several patents and protothipes. We have agreement with others 2 startup: Prespaglia (doing brics in straw and lime) and GREEN MIneral (have a patent to do ZERO WASTE after demolition of the building)
Tipo de Compañía /Organización Multinacional, Otro, Micro y Pequeña Empresa
CiudadPolia, via prov. Santa Croce snc Google map
centro de la actividad

Mecánica Avanzada / Industria 4.0





            Oferta y Demanda

            ZERO WASTE

            We have a partner, GREEN MINERAL, it have patent to do zero waste after demolition of the building

            oferta de cooperación
            1. Cooperación técnica
            2. Cooperación industrial
            3. Otros
            cooperacion requerida
            1. Cooperación comercial
            2. Cooperación entre clusters
            3. Cooperación institucional
            4. Otros
            Oferta y Demanda

            GREEN BUILDING

            We are an innovative startup that want to make projects in green building sector. Now we have several patents and protothipes. We have agreement with Prespaglia (doing brics in straw and lime). So we can produce natural bricks and do project antisesmic using natural and local material.